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Prep time

30 minutes


Cook time

1 hour 20 minutes






Cheesecake base:
6.2 oz digestive biscuits
2.8 oz Westgold butter - melted


Cheesecake filling:
28.2 oz cream cheese
¾ cup brown sugar
4 eggs
7 oz sour cream
4 Tablespoon maple syrup
1 ½ teaspoon vanilla essence
2 Tablespoon flour
2 Tablespoon lemon juice


Rhubarb Topping:
10.6 oz rhubarb (or other seasonal fruit)
1/3 cup sugar
2 Tablespoon water


Butterscotch sauce:
1.8 oz Westgold butter
2/3 cup cream
¾ cup brown sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla paste



For the rhubarb topping: Preheat oven to 360°F. Wash stalks and cut into 3"-4" lengths. Place in an ovenproof dish, sprinkle with sugar and water. Cover with foil and bake until tender - approximately 20 mins. Place on paper towels and leave to cool. Reduce the oven temperature to 280°F.


Butterscotch sauce: Cut the butter into chunks. Put all ingredients in a saucepan, put on a medium heat and bring to boil while whisking. Gently simmer a few minutes until a pouring consistency. Remove from heat and leave aside to cool.


Cheesecake base: line the bottom and sides of a 7.9" springform tin with baking paper. Crush the biscuits until fine in a processor and add the melted butter and pulse until mixed. Tip into the springform tin and press down with the back of a spoon until smooth. Bake for 10 mins.


Cheesecake filling: In a processor put cream cheese, sugar and eggs and blend till smooth. Add remaining ingredients and pulse gently until combined, don’t over process. Pour onto the biscuit base and bake 45 -55 mins until set in the middle. Cool to room temperature and refrigerate until ready to serve. Ideally keep chilled in the fridge for at least 2 hours (or overnight). Just before serving top with rhubarb and pour over warm butterscotch sauce.


Chefs Notes:

Keep some butterscotch sauce aside and serve on the table for those who want extra sauce with their slice.


For a lighter, lower fat cheesecake replace 8.8 oz cream cheese with 8.8 oz quark.


To ensure your cheesecake is perfectly risen and crack free, keep your ingredients at room temperature. Especially the cream cheese – if you mix it when cold this can cause lumps. Try to avoid over beating the eggs as this can cause cracks, make sure you beat them lightly without adding too much air. Also make sure you keep the oven door closed as the cheesecake bakes.

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