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Prep time

20 minutes 


Cook time

25 minutes







250g dried lasagne

1 onion

1 clove garlic

35g Westgold Salted Butter

400g crème fraiche

½ c vegetable stock

250g mushrooms, sliced

2c baby spinach

1c tasty cheese, grated

½ c mozzarella, grated

¼ c fresh parmesan, grated

Salt and pepper




Bring a large saucepan of salted water to a boil and cook the lasagne to the packet instructions. 


While the lasagne is cooking, melt the butter in the skillet and fry the onion on medium heat until softened and slightly golden, then add the mushrooms and garlic and cook another 5 minutes. 


Take off the heat and add vegetable stock and crème fraiche. 


Add the spinach and almost all the cheese, saving a handful to sprinkle on the top.


When the lasagne is cooked, strain it into a sieve and shake to remove all the water. 


Turn the grill to high and add the cooked lasagne to the creamy mushroom mixture and stir until combined. 


Sprinkle over the remaining cheese and place under the grill until golden and sizzling. 



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