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Prep time

20 minutes


Cook time

30 minutes






Choux Pastry:

190ml water

85gm Westgold Unsalted Butter

120gm flour

3 eggs, size 6

Pinch salt


Caramel Pastry Cream:

4 eggs yolks

2T dark cane sugar

1/2c caster sugar

1/3 c cornflour

1t vanilla essence

2c milk, heated



150gm white chocolate, melted

50gm pistachios, finely chopped

50gm freeze dried berries, crushed

50gm dessicated coconut

Selection of easter eggs

½ c caster sugar, for caramel



To make the choux pastry:

Heat the oven to 200deg.  Place water and butter into a saucepan and bring to the boil.  Take off the heat and tip in all the flour, stirring continuously until it leaves the side of the pan and forms a ball.  Place back on the heat and stir for 1-2 mins.  Remove from the heat and tip into the mixing bowl of an electric mixer.  Add 1 egg at a time and mix in completely before adding the next egg.  The mixture will be thick and glossy.  Spoon into a piping bag fitting with a small plain nozzle.  Line oven trays with baking paper.  Pipe small buns (like a cherry tomato size) leaving room inbetween for them to expand.  Wet your fingers and lightly press down any pointy tips. Bake for 15-20 mins.  Don’t open the oven door as the steam will escape and your choux buns will deflate.  After 15 mins reduce the oven to 180deg and cook a further 5-10 mins.  They should feel crisp and light before taking out of the oven.  Set aside to cool.    


To make the caramel pastry cream:   

Place the caster sugar into a heavy based saucepan.  Place on a high heat until it starts to melt and caramelise.  Toss the sugar around the pan so it can all caramelise evenly.  Remove from the heat and carefully add the hot milk 1/2c at a time, being careful because it will bubble up.  Gradually add all the milk and stir until the caramel is dissolved.  It may look a little curdled but that’s ok. Whisk the egg yolks and dark cane sugar until slightly thickened.  Stir in the cornflour and vanilla.  Pour in the caramel milk, stirring all the time and return to the saucepan and whisk continuously until it come to the boil and makes a thick smooth custard.  Press plastic wrap onto the custard and leave to cool.  Refrigerate.


To assemble:

Using a small pointed knife, poke a hole into the bottom of the profiterole.  Whisk the pastry cream until smooth. Spoon into a piping bag fitting with a small nozzle. Fill the profiteroles through the hole in the bottom.  To make the caramel, place the sugar into a heavy based saucepan & sprinkle over enough water to just wet the sugar.  Place on a high heat, swirling around to dissolve.  Cook until it reaches a light caramel colour.  Remove from the heat & cool 5 mins.  Using a skewer to hold the profiteroles, carefully dip a quarter of the profiteroles into the caramel and place on baking paper to set.  Dip the remaining profiteroles into the white chocolate and dip into the coconut, berries & pistachios. Leave to set. Take a large platter and pipe a circle of pastry cream to help hold the profiteroles in place. Arrange the profiteroles onto a platter in the shape of a wreath.  Decorate with the easter eggs and serve.



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