Evaporation & drying.
The milk is preheated to reduce the risk of the milk spoiling in the evaporator. Then, the preheated milk is pumped into our evaporator. It flows through tubes and gets boiled under a vacuum as it falls through the tubes, causing the water in the milk to evaporate. Through this process, the majority of the water in the milk is removed and the product left behind is called ‘milk concentrate’.
The milk concentrate from the evaporator is transferred to high-pressure nozzles or atomisers (depending on what plant is used). It is sprayed into a flow of hot air inside a drying chamber. When the droplets come into contact with the hot air, the water in the droplets quickly evaporates, leaving partially dried particles of powder to fall to the bottom of the drying chamber.
Those partially dried particles are then put through another (or secondary) drying phase.