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Brown Butter filling: 
1kg browned Westgold Butter
750g whole eggs
1050 caster sugar
375g milk
37g pure cream
375g almond meal
355 plain flour
Zest of an orange


Dulce de leche: 
2 tins condensed milk





To make the brown butter filling: 


Cook butter until brown. (The butter will smell nutty, be frothy and will contain brown speckles).

Whisk together eggs and caster sugar. Add milk and cream and incorporate fully.

Whisk through almond meal and flour.

Whisk through brown butter and finish with orange zest.


To make the Dulce de leche: 


Cook 2 tins condensed milk in a pot of boiling water for 5 hours. Cool completely.


To assemble: 

Line small tart tins with store bought puff pastry.


Dock bottoms and cook with weights at 170 degrees until golden.

Fill tart baked tart shells 1/3 with dulce, pour brown butter filling over to the rim of tart shell and bake at 170 degrees for approximately 20 minutes until golden and set.



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